What are immigration psychological evaluations?
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Hi there! In today’s blog, I would like to share more about the services Stillness Therapy offers. In addition to virtual individual therapy, I also provide virtual immigration evaluations, including virtual VAWA psychological evaluations, U-Visa evaluations, and Extreme Hardship evaluations for adults in California, Colorado, and Texas that are presently represented by an attorney. In addition to English, I also offer bilingual immigration evaluations in Spanish, conducted via secure video conferencing. Every step of the evaluation process is accessible as it is completed electronically and virtually.
What is an immigration psychological evaluation?
An immigration psychological evaluation is a neutral assessment conducted by a licensed mental health professional for immigration cases. This evaluation is utilized by immigration attorneys as a supporting document in immigration proceedings. It typically includes a detailed psychological assessment, including personal, social, mental health history, and an assessment of current mental health status. The purpose of an immigration evaluation is to explore evidence of any psychological hardship or trauma that might affect the individual if they are deported or denied immigration status. Attorneys may utilize a psychological evaluation to build a strong case for their clients. However, it is important to note that this single evaluation and report do not guarantee the outcome of an immigration case. It is one piece of evidence among other supporting evidence that attorneys compile for an immigration case.
What are the types of immigration psychological evaluations? Which types does Stillness Therapy offer?
There are several types of immigration psychological evaluations such as VAWA, U-Visa, Extreme Hardship, T-Visa, Asylum, Cancellation of Removal and N648s.
Below I will highlight the immigration psychological evaluations I offer in my practice:
VAWA (Violence Against Women Act) evaluations seek to explore evidence of abuse in cases involving domestic violence thus allowing undocumented spouses and children who are victims of domestic violence to obtain a green card.
U-Visa evaluations assess the emotional and psychological impact that a serious crime affected the undocumented person.
Lastly, Extreme Hardship evaluations, such as Waiver of Inadmissibility (601) and Provisional Waiver (601-A) assess the impact of deportation on a U.S. citizen or lawful permanent resident (LPR). The assessment evaluates ways in which the U.S. citizen or permanent resident would be impacted if their undocumented family member was not permitted to remain in the United States.
I want to highlight that I do not provide Cancellation of Removal evaluations.
Who can conduct immigration psychological evaluations?
Immigration psychological evaluations must be conducted by licensed mental health professionals who are qualified to provide a thorough and credible assessment. These professionals typically include psychologists, psychiatrists, licensed clinical social workers (LCSWs), and licensed professional counselors (LPCs). They must have specific expertise in clinical assessment, trauma, and the particular challenges faced by immigrants. The credibility and thoroughness of the evaluation depend on the evaluator's qualifications, experience, and understanding of immigration law and the psychological issues relevant to the case. By ensuring that a qualified professional conducts the evaluation, individuals can significantly strengthen their immigration cases with reliable documentation.
How can I find an evaluator?
Aside from Google, there are immigration psychological evaluation directories available to find licensed mental health professionals in your state who offer immigration psychological evaluations. One useful resource is the Immigration Psych Eval Directory, originally created by Ellie Vargas, a licensed clinical social worker based in the Bay Area. This directory is now under the leadership of Dr. Mariela Shibley, an expert in immigration evaluations based in San Diego, CA. Additionally, you can explore the directory website of Cecilia Racine, a licensed clinical social worker from Virginia, by visiting here. These directories provide a comprehensive list of qualified evaluators, making it easier for you to find the right mental health professional for your needs.
Please feel free to reach out to me if you have any questions, or if you’d like to schedule a consultation call regarding your immigration case.
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