Embracing Grief

Rebuilding from Sadness and Loss

There will be many tests of faith throughout your journey. Just when you think it can’t get any worse, it just might. And it’ll stretch you in ways you never thought you could be stretched. Reflecting on all you’ve learned, will you make healthier choices? Will you align your actions with your values and needs? Harder than it seems — or, will you continue patterns of people-pleasing and self-betrayal? Will you deny yourself, ignore, and compromise yourself? Or will you stand firm in your truth?

At some point, ease will come.

Grief is an enduring labor of love; it’s only by facing it head on that we unlock its gifts. Learning demands patience and attentive study over time, while both inner and outer stillness (and movement) are necessary to ground yourself in your new reality post-loss. This transformative journey requires patience and faith in the eventual turn of the tides in your favor. Remember to celebrate the moments of laughter and joy along the way. Embrace grief’s reshaping force and rediscover the capacity to hold love once more, maybe for the first time ever.

Don’t mistake a sunset for the dying of the sun. It will rise again.

So will you.


Bold Journey Feature


Insights from Latine Therapists: Setting Goals, Intentions, and Culturally Sensitive Therapy